Friday, 21 October 2011

Problems with your Tracker but everyone else at your site is OK?

This could be that your personal ("local") copy of Tracker has become corrupted (meaning that something has gone wrong with it).

You can fix this yourself.  If you close Tracker and ask your local IT support person to open and close the copy of Tracker in the server AutoFEUpdater folder the system will think that the server file is newer than your copy and it will automatically reload the newer (working) version to your PC.

Unable to send a project/survey to an existing Asbestos Tracker database - why not?

The problem is that Tracker thinks that you have already sent the project over to the client's Asbestos Tracker system.

Check for a folder with the name of the project number in

{your Tracker drive letter}:\Asbestos Tracker\{Client}\HTML\Project_Files\{Project Number}

If the folder exists, delete (or rename) it and try again.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

ODBC timeout errors - what do they mean?

Are you seeing "ODBC timeout" errors?

If you only see these now and again, they can safely be ignored.  The message means that Tracker is trying to update your SQL database but the server is not responding in a timely fashion.

If you see these errors on a regular basis they need to be investigated.  There are various solutions including database maintenance  plans which can be scheduled to run automatically on the database or specific optimisations which can be made to the Tracker system itself.  These are changes which we need to make on your behalf, so contact the office if you need us to investigate.